Launch of Open Collective and First Institutional Sponsor

By Ilya Kreymer and Lorena Ramírez-López

We are excited to announce the launch of Webrecorder’s Open Collective page. Open Collective is a crowd-funding platform that allows many kinds of groups, including open source projects, to fundraise and keep track of funding and expenses in an open and deliberate way.

And, we’re thrilled to announce Rhizome as Webrecorder’s first institutional sponsor through the Open Collective platform!

A screenshot of Webrecorder's Open Collective page

Our team is extremely appreciative of Rhizome’s continued support. Rhizome was an early benefactor of the Webrecorder project, and Webrecorder found its home at Rhizome from 2016-2020. Thanks to the support from Rhizome and generous grant funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, we developed the original hosting service for high-fidelity browser-based interactive web archiving.

In 2020, the service has been renamed to Conifer and has become an integral part of the Rhizome digital preservation program.

Through this support, Rhizome remains committed to continued success of open source web archiving tools, as well as web archiving as a cultural practice, and continuous development of infrastructure and research.

We hope to further collaborate with Rhizome around improvements to shared tools and implementing new features, such as adding support for our WACZ format to the Conifer service.

In addition to Open Collective, we are continuing to accept support via GitHub Sponsors. We also want to thank all of our sponsors thus far who have supported Webrecorder via GitHub Sponsors!

In particular, we would like to also thank Kiwix, who have supported the initial development of Browsertrix Crawler, and have continued to sponsor Webrecorder via GitHub sponsors.

With starting an Open Collective page, we hope to provide our community with more ways to support the project, and we hope to further explore ways to use the Open Collective structure to share updates and progress on our work.

We would like to again thank Rhizome, Kiwix and all of our other supporters - your continued support helps makes our work building source web archiving tools possible!