What’s new in the world of web archiving?
Web Archives on, of, and off the Web
ResourcesLast month Webrecorder announced a new effort to improve browser support for web archives. They are soliciting use cases for the WACZ format.
OpenWayback to pywb Transition Guide and pywb update
ResourcesEarlier this year, members of the IIPC, after an internal survey, recommended the adoption of Webrecorder's pywb as the primary replay system for their members' web archives. Webrecorder and IIPC established a multi-part collaboration to help with this transition and advance the development of pywb.
Web Object Encapsulation Complexity (Part I)
ResourcesAs the web transitioned from static documents to interactive web applications, the challenge of archiving and preserving the web have only increased.
Web Archives as Digital Publications / Digital Publications as Web Archives
ResourcesWeb archiving is often done after the fact — a digital publication is designed, built, published and only then, archived for preservation.